Saturday, July 27, 2013

Part Si (4)

 I left you at the answer, No!  That's right we were told No. So we tried once more for a baby. 
In order to keep a baby, I would have to take a medicine that could possibly cause our new baby to have a cleft lip or pallet. Really, it wasn't an issue. I took the meds.

Fast forward to 20ish weeks, I had a dream.
In this dream,  I was handed a baby boy. I said, "This isn't my baby."
 I remember thinking I'm having a girl.
 This baby doesn't look like my kids. He had smaller eyes and a flat nose.

 "Yes!," the lady said, "He is."  ( I know now, that was around the time he was born)

We new from ultra sound that we were having a baby girl. What we didn't know is if she had a cleft lip or pallet. She had those pretty little hands in front of her face every time we tried to peek at her.
She was born and she was perfect! (But that cleft lip... remember it. It had a big influence on the decision of "where" to adopt from. )

Our baby girl was ,KO o,ooo,k,,
M .
k and is very spoiled loved! 
I had the dream, again, when our baby was a few months old and again when she was a year.
Then a few months later, I had the dream again but this time I was dressing the same little boy in a blessing (christening) outfit. He was big enough he could walk. We walked through the doors to our churches chapel. However, when we got in there we were in a court room. 

That little seed has just grown and grown from that day forward!

I could say So So much more! Adopting has been so hard, so spiritual, and so incredible! From there, we started to think about when, where, and how.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Part San (3)

AS I said, the seed had been forgotten...
Life seemed really pretty and perfect. Three healthy beautiful kids. Life moved on. We moved on. We sold our house and built a new one. We were busy growing three kids.
We were busy cleaning up Lilli's messes. Lilli's messes were and are notorious! From a whole jug of milk on the floor to a whole brand new bottle of lotion on her head. ( Don't tell... but I kind of miss those messes.) I'm very prejudice but just look at their pictures. Aren't they precious?!? So cute!
A few years went by fast. I found my self thinking... Shane found himself hearing... words he wasn't so sure he wanted to hear.  Haha  Maybe... we should have one more... Six months later we were pregnant. 
We announce it to our family at 11 1/2 weeks. A week later...
I lost the baby.
Then I lost another.
Then I lost a third.
And the third loss was uhh... event full.  I hemorrhaged and past out from the loss of blood in the hospital lobby. Oopse... I gave Shane quite a fright and I'm sure I embarrassed him too. Poor Shane.

Maybe we really did have enough kids or maybe we should adopt like My brother and sister in-law. (The seed was back!)

We prayed. Should we have more kids. The answer was yes! 

We prayed about adopting. My brother showed us that adoption was doable! They were a family similar to us. They had three bio kids just like us. Granted, they were working their tails off to get the funds. But,  I was excited! Maybe this was God's plan for us too.
We prayed about it and we were told, "NO."