Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Where is the love?

 I was a women on a mission! I was gong hoe! I was so certain that I could fulfill my plan. I thought the people in our area were warm, kind, giving people. 
I hit a snag on that trail and landed flat on my face! I have basically been told by certain people that all donations should be given locally and that it is WRONG to be sending them to China. 
Again, I ask, Where is the love? Are not all children Gods Children? 
My heart was broke.
I have had to step back and realize it's okay that they didn't agree with me. It's okay that they may even be mad at me. I'm sure they are good people they just could not see the whole picture. Only with God can you see the whole picture. 
Does that mean I think I'm perfect? Absolutely Not! I am not perfect. I am not amazing. (Although it is nice to hear.lol) I'M NOT. I am the least perfect person! My car needs washed. I have loads of laundry that I should be doing instead of typing this. I need to lose weight. I need to quit drinking pop. We struggle to get to church. and Please forgive me, because for a few seconds when it sunk in what that women was telling me the "B" word passed through my head. Thank goodness it stayed in my head. 
I have had to learn this...
"The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them." Winston Churchhill
On that note it is "Orphan Sunday" this Sunday. Please be aware of God's little ones.

This is god's Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world 
James 1:27

Monday, October 28, 2013

Just Magical!!! You poor adoption-uggles!

In the Harry Potter world, non- magical people are called Muggles. Why is this relevant to adoption? Well, let me tell you. Saturday day night and Monday night as we are all cosey in our American beds. Momma and Babbas(daddy's) that Have been waiting (who have cried and longed for their child) for over a year are getting there babies in China!!! Monday morning when I get on fb I have only one thing in mind - GOTCHA PHOTOS! I am addicted! It may be a problem. But seeing the MAGIC of a child who is an orphan ( who is basically in prison!) become a loved son or daughter is simply amazing!!! It's better then any Vegas show. Better then any Broadway musical. Better than, dare I say it.... Chocolate! I said it and it's true! The kind of magic only God can do!

I'm really really sorry that not all of you can see this. You poor adoption-uggles are completely unaware of the magic I saw today! 
If you want to see I can lead you to a few spell binding blogs.
Oh! Now I'm craving butter beer ( yummy yummy interest recipe- no actual beer)! I know what the Atwood's are drinking Halloween night! Nuf said, I'm going back to get my gotcha fix! Peace out and adopt on! (Thank you Kelley Clayton Berry for this inspiring phrase!)

Love, Lacy

Monday, October 14, 2013


Did you know that or biological daughter and our new son will be virtual twins? It's a real thing. Virtual twinning us adopting children within a years age range. Just found out today that we received approval for i800a on Lydia's birthday!!! Yay!!! I think that's cool since we received pre approval for Chu on his birthday! Thank you to all of you who are praying for us! I can feel your love!