Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Gods Works in Mysterious Ways and Tulips

Today was A big day! Today we had our home study. For those of you who don't know, A social worker comes to your house and interviews you. He looks in closets and asks personal questions.

Shane and I have been working so hard to be ready for this day. Shane cleaned the garage and his shop. He burned weeds and more weeds. He did all of my little honey dos. I cleaned from ceiling to floor.  I have taken load after load to Deseret Industries. (Kind of like the salvation army or good will) Closets have never been this organized. I joked with my friends that Heavenly father wanted us to adopt because he knew my house needed a major overhaul. Ha ha

Through all this,  my gardening side was praying for my tulips to be in bloom. I know, that sounds so silly, doesn't it? This stranger is going to ask questions about our sex life and yet I'm worried about posies. So yesterday, there was one or two tulips in bloom and I figured I was blessed to receive those two. But oh, heavenly father knows my heart! What sweetness to see that not only were the tulips in bloom but 15 had bloomed! Plus, six or so daffodils and a few hyacinths too!


  1. Lacy I wish I could have talked to you. A lot of that stuff doesn't matter but what a great spring cleaning. I love that you were concerned with the flowers. Grandma would call it a sweet mercy. Hope all went well today.

    1. Thank you Heidi,
      How is your family doing?
      I feel bad that I haven't seen the triplets in person and they are growing old.


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