Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Panda Bear...Panda Bear...

November is the month to remember all of our blessings and be thankful. 
I have so many things to be thankful for but today it's because we got DTC!
DTC  stands for Dossier to Ch;na. 
A Dossier is basically all of the paperwork that we have been gathering for the last seven months!  It's ALOT of paper work! Mountains of it! 
That mountain includes our birth certificates, all of our finances, medical records, back ground checks (for every state or country we have lived in, ( Lucky for us. We have only lived in one state.) The dossier included our Home study which went into every detail of our lives.The Ch;nese and American government now know more about us then we do! From how our parents disciplined us to our, ummm... love life. They have pictures of our family. They have pictures of our house. They have dimensions of our house! 
You get the idea!
I'm so glad it's done. 
Having it done feels awesome! 
It is a huge relief! 
It seems slow but we are making progress.
Hang on there buddy!
We are coming Chu! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an intense process! I can't wait to see pics of you holding him in your arms!!!


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