Thursday, January 2, 2014

Face book Adoption Groups are a Blessing!

Clear back in Early March. I joined my first FB adoption group. I was totally in the wrong group. Haha... But they welcomed me anyways! 
Those ladies changed the way I thought about adoption! Because of them my heart was where it needed to be to except our son! I went from wanting a lid infant (home under 15 months is what I had told my case worker) to excepting what ever God had in store for me. I think god laughs at our plans! When we sent in PA for our boy his file was abeautiful mess. He had three different birth years. From two years to four. So it was a huge leap of faith to send in PA for a 13 pound 4 year old!
One of the ladies that influenced me was the darling, sweet, saucy, southern Kelley Clayton Berry here is her post on finding her Regis! P.S. I have a huge crush on her Regis!!!

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