Wednesday, March 5, 2014

You are somebody!

So many precious little faces. 
Clear Back at the end of the summer, I became aware of the other children at Chu's Orphanage (swi). My friend Beka had traveled to the swi and she had met and seen the kids. She also, very generously got my pictures and precious video of our son. 
But when I went to her blog to see her post on her visit the the swi, I saw the other children. Here's her post.
I really recommend you read it because we need to be aware.

  Don't shut your eyes! Don't be naive!
Don't walk back into the comforts of your home and running water and pretend they don't exist!!!
They have names! They are Innocent! They are GOD"S children!
What I saw haunts me!!! What I Saw breaks my heart! What I saw took my already changing heart, my heart already broken for the orphans, and magnified it a 100 times!
I hurt for them like they are my own kids.

I want so badly to help them. 
So I tried. 
I'm not bragging. I promise I'm not because I failed. I did. I cannot give them the help I really want to. 
The best I could do was fund raise for nanny training. Nanny training sends nurses to the swi and teaches the nurses how to feed nourishingly. How to make sure all kids get the same amount. How to take care of kids with special needs. ect. 
That was all I could do. 
I raised the money now I'm waiting for the agency to get the nurses there. They still haven't! So kids aren't getting the help. It's driving me crazy!
I asked for warm clothing to send. My husbands family pitched in and made blankets. My mom and I boxed the clothing up and sent it off. That was right after Christmas. 
I received these pictures. 

These precious kids are in the clothes we sent them. I'm relieved that the swi got the clothes. But look how many kids there are. So, So many that need families!

On a funny note,  I was disappointed that our Son wasn't in the picture. I posted it on face book and was surprised to have a friend point out that he is indeed in the picture!! What? Where...
Well, let me just say his hair totally through me off! Ha ha... But he looks so cute and precious. Cant wait to snuggle him!

One last look at the kids! Dont forget them!!! They are Worthy!!! They are somebody and You are somebody!

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