Wednesday, April 2, 2014

3/27 goodbye China.

China has definitely been an adventure from car rides, food, to squatty potties! 

Speaking of squatty potties. I only had to go in one once. I did need to use it but I took one look at the doorless stalls and decided to hold it. Lol
Chu, however, had a very runny icky diaper. So I had to change it while standing. It was so fun. Not! Lol 
 China is not convenient for mothers because their children wear split pants. 
The children were so bundled they looked like the little boy from "A Christmas Story" but their little bums hang out.  The children squat where ever they are at and go. 
We were in a sword shop and a little boy came in with both his bum and front hanging out. And... He kept playing with it! 🙈🙀😳 
I kept watching the mom to see if she would stop him but nope. 

Food was always interesting. Most of the time we got lucky and found restaurants that had pictures in their menu. We would point and hope that what we really were getting was what we guessed that it was. Hopefully pork or chicken and not dog, snake, or donkey... Donkey is a delacacy, by the way, and our Beijing guide's favorite. 
Our guide ordered for us at the Shaolin temple and the dish that came was flowers from a tree and eggs. You could see the petals and leaves. It was really quite good 
But in Xuchang, he ordered "Chinese pancakes" they were tortilla shells which was fine, but they would add the toppings for you and one of the toppings was fried shrimp. Now, I like fried shimp but not so much with the head, legs, and feelers still attached! Yes, I had a couple of bites. I didn't want to affend anyone. No, I did not like it. They crunched...

At the famous noodle restaurant, that all the adoptive families go to, it was a point and order situation. So we did. Then we ordered three cokes. We got one Pepsi. Haha... We were relieved. It could have been worse. 
Shane and Questen ordered mango smoothies and got corn smoothies. The corn smoothies were not good. 

On 3/27
We were up at 4:00 am to get to the airport. Our flight was suppose to leave at 7:25. 
We said goodbye to Elsie who proceeded to tell me that she thought I was sweet and liked me. But that her first thought of me was that I was an Empress. Because I walked out ahead of of Shane and Questen. And all I was carrying was Chu and two bags while they had the luggage. I admit, it hurt my feelings that she automatically assumed I was a spoiled intitled American. I suppose I am, though. 
We boarded and started for the runway when suddenly the plane stopped. 
We sat there for TWO HOURS! I kid you not!
Then flew two hours to Shanghai where we had to run and go through customs to barely make it to our next flight. We boarded and started for the runway. Then again, the plane stopped! 
We sat there for almost an hour! 

And why? Why so many delays? We don't know because it was all in Mandarin. 

We then flew 11 hours to San Francisco. Chu was such a good baby. He either slept, or ate. He hardy made a peep. It was such a huge blessing. Especially sense I was sick. Very sick. Let me just say, I was sick enough I fainted. 
So I was so so happy to be on American soil.
Even better... Chu touching American soil made him an American citizen! Yay! 
We were late getting to San Fran too so we rushed to customs. We made it through very easily. 
I have to tell you this part, though. There was a Chinese man and an elderly women who were having problems with her (the elderly women's) passport. 
There was a security officer standing back in a corner. (A grown man) He had one of those lazer lights in his hand. He flashed it across the room into the Chinese mans eyes. The poor Chinese man had just gotten off of the same 11 hour grueling flight that I had been on. Where was the security officers compassion? Was it prejudice that led this act? I stared at the officers face until he looked at me a realized he'd been seen. 
I wish I could have seen the look I gave him. Wild frizzy curly hair sticking out all over. Blood shot tired eyes. Sick green complexion. I'm sure I would have scared the devil himself! 
A couple hours later when we landed in SaltLake my poor friends got to see that same look only with tears and a smile. 
It was so sweet of my friends Heather (with her Chinese baby) and Teri to meet us at the airport.  There were many happy tears. Plus, It's just so good to know we wouldn't have to get on another stinking plane! 
Chu cried almost the whole 3 hour drive to our house. Poor little guy. 

After 26-27 hours of travel we finally waled into our home to our precious girls and my mom. 

The girls were so excited they couldn't contain themselves. And I did the ugly cry. 
I miss China already. I will miss the flowers they decorate everything with. I will miss all the pink that's in style. 
I miss it's wild beauty, it's real ness, and it's mystery. I will miss the smiles and some if the stares. I will miss all of the old artifacts. 
China is one of the oldest countries in our world.  I can't help but wonder about all the people that have lived there. About all the people that have struggled across the ages. 
About how strong they must be to have lived in this raw rugged beauty. 
About the ones living now and the little ones being born that will have to be survivors right from the womb. 
will miss their strength. 

So glad I have a little one to remind me everyday of that strength. My own little survivor. 


  1. I miss China too. Thanks for the update!!

  2. So glad you have him home with you now! How is everyone adjusting?


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