Saturday, April 19, 2014

A bright happy new...

 Tulips! They mean spring is here. Glorious spring when all things become new again. 
My Tulips hold a little bit of magic for me. They always bloom right at the perfect moment. Last year,  they bloomed on the day of our first home study visit. 
This year, I thought they might bloom  for our first visit from our social worker, since coming home. The visit was last Wednesday, but no tulips. 
No, they had something better planned. 
They will open in the morning! 

Easter morning! 

I can count on my tulips!  I know they will bloom every spring. 

There are a lot of things I can count on. 
I have always had food,  clean water, and a roof over my head. 
I know my parents and grandparents love me unconditionally. I know that Jesus loves me. That he died on the cross for me and all of you. 

This is Chu's first Easter. His first Christian Holliday of any kind. He knows nothing about Christ. He knows nothing of unconditional love.  He has had so many care givers in his life. There's been a whole lot of people and very little attention. 
He might be expecting us to take him back in a few months. 
He might be looking at the new person that walked in the door and think they might be a better momma. 
He might smile really big just to get food and not because he's happy. 
He might be wishing to be back where things are familiar. Where he understands the language. Where everyone has dark hair. Where there's a very strict routine and he knows what's coming next...

Except the food... A full belly might just...mean love. 

Which is why we are kindly asking that you don't feed Chu. That only His momma and babba feed him. That no one holds him but us. This is called cacooning. We are making Chu's world small but full of us and love. 

Give us time to teach him that all the new  things going on around him are a good new. 
A bright happy new like tulips. 

A new that Heavenly Father wanted for a precious, special little boy. 

And how perfect that Chu's first Holliday is Easter. 
Happy Easter! 
The tomb is empty. 
He is risen!

Update: Easter morning. 
Open to recieve the light...

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