Thursday, December 26, 2013

Our paperwork is Reviewed!

We received a small gift yesterday that we didn't know about until today. 🐼 Our dossier ( adoption documents) are making small steps. We are reviewed!!! It's not the big step we were hoping to get by Christmas but it's a step so we will take it! For my number watching friends We were lid 11/14, and OOT 11/27. (I think I told someone we were lid 11/6 but that was actually DTC. Sorry, I lose track...)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Bless the Children this Christmas day!

We have had an amazing, spoiled rotten, (so spoiled I feel guilty) blessed Christmas. There are times when simply running my hand under warm water I feel guilty. 
I think of all the Orphans the world over, and my heart breaks. I wish all children could have what I have.
What my kids have. Even 1/3 of what we have. Bless the little children the world over!
Next year Chu will be 3 years and nine months. And he will have his FIRST Christmas ever! In our world of commercialized Christmas that seems impossible but it's true. Christmas is rarely celebrated in China. 
Just to be sure I checked NORAD last night. What is that? It's a Santa tracker app so it has to be correct. 
Nope, Santa did not stop in Xuchang.
I know that there are many things our Chu has never experienced. (Like seeing animals,literally eating food other then formula and a bit of Rice, warm water, baths and going outside the sterile hospital like building.)
We can NOT wait to have firsts with him!
I can Not wait to tell him about baby Jesus and the Man Jesus was!
Thank you all for praying him home to us! 

Monday, December 16, 2013

An Ancient Chinese proverb says, “An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, despite the time, the place, and despite the circumstances. The thread can be tightened or tangle, but will never be broken.”
We're following the red thread to get our boy!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

9 months!

When you hear or read "nine months" you automatically think baby and pregnant. It could easily be put on a maternity tee shirt. Paper pregnant momma's don't always get a due date. In fact, most of us can relate more to a manatee or camel pregnancy of 13 months. 
But I know the waiting will be worth it and just as amazing as giving birth to my biological kids. 
Nine months ago today I saw Chu's little face for the first time! It was an incredibly amazing moment!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Beautiful Song

Friday, November 29, 2013

All I want for Christmas is my boy!

I admit I bawled like a baby when I listened to this song. Next Christmas Chu, you'll be home and an Orphan no more!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


One more thing to be thankful for...Got word today that we are OOT! Bacically, China is finished translating 7 months worth of paper work and they did it in 13 days! Not bad China...not bad.. Please keep it up! We are still waiting on a big official step called LOA. OOT means we're 1/3 of the way to LOA. Please pray we get LOA for Christmas. That's all I want besides my sweet family! ( and for my family to stay healthy, happy, and together!)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

For the girls!

For the Mommas and Babbas adopting girls!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Happy National Adoption Day!

Did you know... That in many countries girls are adopted more often then boys. Even here in America. In China right now there are more boys then girls. I know it's surprising given China's preference to girls. But it's true. In fact, there may be 10 boys to every one girl needing a family. Just being a boy is considered a special need. So please consider adopting a boy!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Panda Bear...Panda Bear...

November is the month to remember all of our blessings and be thankful. 
I have so many things to be thankful for but today it's because we got DTC!
DTC  stands for Dossier to Ch;na. 
A Dossier is basically all of the paperwork that we have been gathering for the last seven months!  It's ALOT of paper work! Mountains of it! 
That mountain includes our birth certificates, all of our finances, medical records, back ground checks (for every state or country we have lived in, ( Lucky for us. We have only lived in one state.) The dossier included our Home study which went into every detail of our lives.The Ch;nese and American government now know more about us then we do! From how our parents disciplined us to our, ummm... love life. They have pictures of our family. They have pictures of our house. They have dimensions of our house! 
You get the idea!
I'm so glad it's done. 
Having it done feels awesome! 
It is a huge relief! 
It seems slow but we are making progress.
Hang on there buddy!
We are coming Chu! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Where is the love?

 I was a women on a mission! I was gong hoe! I was so certain that I could fulfill my plan. I thought the people in our area were warm, kind, giving people. 
I hit a snag on that trail and landed flat on my face! I have basically been told by certain people that all donations should be given locally and that it is WRONG to be sending them to China. 
Again, I ask, Where is the love? Are not all children Gods Children? 
My heart was broke.
I have had to step back and realize it's okay that they didn't agree with me. It's okay that they may even be mad at me. I'm sure they are good people they just could not see the whole picture. Only with God can you see the whole picture. 
Does that mean I think I'm perfect? Absolutely Not! I am not perfect. I am not amazing. (Although it is nice to I'M NOT. I am the least perfect person! My car needs washed. I have loads of laundry that I should be doing instead of typing this. I need to lose weight. I need to quit drinking pop. We struggle to get to church. and Please forgive me, because for a few seconds when it sunk in what that women was telling me the "B" word passed through my head. Thank goodness it stayed in my head. 
I have had to learn this...
"The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them." Winston Churchhill
On that note it is "Orphan Sunday" this Sunday. Please be aware of God's little ones.

This is god's Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world 
James 1:27

Monday, October 28, 2013

Just Magical!!! You poor adoption-uggles!

In the Harry Potter world, non- magical people are called Muggles. Why is this relevant to adoption? Well, let me tell you. Saturday day night and Monday night as we are all cosey in our American beds. Momma and Babbas(daddy's) that Have been waiting (who have cried and longed for their child) for over a year are getting there babies in China!!! Monday morning when I get on fb I have only one thing in mind - GOTCHA PHOTOS! I am addicted! It may be a problem. But seeing the MAGIC of a child who is an orphan ( who is basically in prison!) become a loved son or daughter is simply amazing!!! It's better then any Vegas show. Better then any Broadway musical. Better than, dare I say it.... Chocolate! I said it and it's true! The kind of magic only God can do!

I'm really really sorry that not all of you can see this. You poor adoption-uggles are completely unaware of the magic I saw today! 
If you want to see I can lead you to a few spell binding blogs.
Oh! Now I'm craving butter beer ( yummy yummy interest recipe- no actual beer)! I know what the Atwood's are drinking Halloween night! Nuf said, I'm going back to get my gotcha fix! Peace out and adopt on! (Thank you Kelley Clayton Berry for this inspiring phrase!)

Love, Lacy

Monday, October 14, 2013


Did you know that or biological daughter and our new son will be virtual twins? It's a real thing. Virtual twinning us adopting children within a years age range. Just found out today that we received approval for i800a on Lydia's birthday!!! Yay!!! I think that's cool since we received pre approval for Chu on his birthday! Thank you to all of you who are praying for us! I can feel your love!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Update from the swi September 5, 2013

He's in pink again! No surprise there. Almost all of the pictures he's in, he's wearing pink. He was in a darling sun dress in the first pictures we saw. Lol 

So his newest measurements are wacky...Apparently he has gained .2 KGS in five months but his head is smaller. Which is impossible! So what that means is the orphanage either guessed or two different people measured differently. 

I had two really big HOPES. Either he had gained some weight. Like enough to matter... say five pounds. Gosh even two..even one pound. ( This hope would have taken a miracle.) Or something in his measurements could prove this child needed to be expedited. Like a small .2 kg loss would have worked. But that point 2 kg''s just enough weight gain to forget an expedite. But so not enough weight to keep abird alive! Ugh!

Also, we could hear ( in video that Beka took) the nanny say that he was a very slow eater and has a little mouth. So we had asked the SWI "Why do you think he eats slow?" And they said, "He eats fast and when he does eat slower it's because he wants to enjoy it" lol Do you know a toddler that wants to eat slowly and enjoy their food? No? Me either. Ha ha Lydia would shove ten things in at once.

On a happy note.  It says his general health is good. He is mild tempered. Which we have seen in video. I don't know if I will know what to do with a mild temperament. All of my kids are STU-BURN! But I'm very happy to figure it out.

One nanny in the video repeats over and over,"he pecial...he appy... he ike to mile a lot." Her Chinese accent is darling but in case you need that again she says... He's special. He's Happy. He likes to smile a lot!
We came to the conclusion that he is just the cutest peanut ever! And man! I sure can't wait to kiss those cheeks! Which is maybe were he stored that point 2 kg's. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My eyes have been opened

With the loss of another little one... I have to wonder... How many more? How many more will die before they have a family? How many already have died alone not knowing love? How many more will live a life worse then death. Did you know the children in China age out at 14?!? Fourteen! Most of the kids commit suicide in the first year. The ones that don't commit suicide, end up in sex rings, drug crimes, and living on the streets.
The decision to adopt was finalized after I came across this scripture. I had been doing research and came across Rees's Rainbow. My heart broke for these little kids. My heart changed in that moment and then I read this scripture.
Have your eyes been opened?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

These little ones need a family!

Monday, August 19, 2013


This came out of my fortune cookie on August 13 th. Oh the things this could mean.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Angels came to see you Chu!!!

Beka, another adoptive mom was able to visit Chu's orphanage (swi). We have been praying that Beka would be able to see Chu and get pictures.

She did! She not only took pictures she took 34! She has Video for me when she gets home. She was able to HOLD chu! I could be wrong, but I don't think holding is allowed very often. She was able to get medical answers for me that my agency couldn't get! I'm so grateful to Beka, Beka's hubby, and my heavenly father!

Now, there is a bit of sad news too...
Seeing Chu in pictures with other humans, for the first time, showed us his true size. He is a tiny iny fellow. Tiny enough, I gasped.

But Chu smiles!
Here is a quote from Beka, "Oh and He can really smile! A beautiful smile! The hope you have... is his precious smile. Amidst his tough life, he smiles! God gave him LIFE and He is so precious and valuable. I'm eternally greatful that you are getting him out of there."
Beka's wording is so pretty!
So, does Chu being so small scare me? Yup, but God gave us a glimpse into his life to prepare us. Mostly, to fall head over heals for this little guy!

We see him like God sees him.
Worthy of Love.
Deserving of Life.

Here is Beka's version of her visit to Chu's swi.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Part Si (4)

 I left you at the answer, No!  That's right we were told No. So we tried once more for a baby. 
In order to keep a baby, I would have to take a medicine that could possibly cause our new baby to have a cleft lip or pallet. Really, it wasn't an issue. I took the meds.

Fast forward to 20ish weeks, I had a dream.
In this dream,  I was handed a baby boy. I said, "This isn't my baby."
 I remember thinking I'm having a girl.
 This baby doesn't look like my kids. He had smaller eyes and a flat nose.

 "Yes!," the lady said, "He is."  ( I know now, that was around the time he was born)

We new from ultra sound that we were having a baby girl. What we didn't know is if she had a cleft lip or pallet. She had those pretty little hands in front of her face every time we tried to peek at her.
She was born and she was perfect! (But that cleft lip... remember it. It had a big influence on the decision of "where" to adopt from. )

Our baby girl was ,KO o,ooo,k,,
M .
k and is very spoiled loved! 
I had the dream, again, when our baby was a few months old and again when she was a year.
Then a few months later, I had the dream again but this time I was dressing the same little boy in a blessing (christening) outfit. He was big enough he could walk. We walked through the doors to our churches chapel. However, when we got in there we were in a court room. 

That little seed has just grown and grown from that day forward!

I could say So So much more! Adopting has been so hard, so spiritual, and so incredible! From there, we started to think about when, where, and how.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Part San (3)

AS I said, the seed had been forgotten...
Life seemed really pretty and perfect. Three healthy beautiful kids. Life moved on. We moved on. We sold our house and built a new one. We were busy growing three kids.
We were busy cleaning up Lilli's messes. Lilli's messes were and are notorious! From a whole jug of milk on the floor to a whole brand new bottle of lotion on her head. ( Don't tell... but I kind of miss those messes.) I'm very prejudice but just look at their pictures. Aren't they precious?!? So cute!
A few years went by fast. I found my self thinking... Shane found himself hearing... words he wasn't so sure he wanted to hear.  Haha  Maybe... we should have one more... Six months later we were pregnant. 
We announce it to our family at 11 1/2 weeks. A week later...
I lost the baby.
Then I lost another.
Then I lost a third.
And the third loss was uhh... event full.  I hemorrhaged and past out from the loss of blood in the hospital lobby. Oopse... I gave Shane quite a fright and I'm sure I embarrassed him too. Poor Shane.

Maybe we really did have enough kids or maybe we should adopt like My brother and sister in-law. (The seed was back!)

We prayed. Should we have more kids. The answer was yes! 

We prayed about adopting. My brother showed us that adoption was doable! They were a family similar to us. They had three bio kids just like us. Granted, they were working their tails off to get the funds. But,  I was excited! Maybe this was God's plan for us too.
We prayed about it and we were told, "NO."

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Deciding to adopt part ér

ér (pronounced are) is two in mandarin Chinese.
I love spring!  I love coming from dreary I can't survive one more day freeze your tail off  10 below zero temperatures to the new hope of spring. The sun starts peaking his head out of the clouds. The air is a little warmer. The birds are back to wake me in the mourning. The first little buds start poking their darling little heads out of the ground and the whole world seems A brighter, greener, happier place.

Spring is New Life. I love to walk around my garden and see the new flowers that were not there the summer before. Some seeds or bulbs I have planted, but some (like the pansies) have planted themselves or maybe God planted them. HE is the ultimate gardener!

Sometimes, seeds are planted and completely forgotten by us humans.  They still exist. They are waiting for a little sunshine or a little water to have a chance to grow.

The seed planted in my heart when I was a little girl may have been forgotten. It may have even gone unnoticed for years. Every once in a while, a little nourishment would help it to grow and I would remember that it was still there.

Around the time I was 9, my sweet Mom brought up the idea of my parents adopting. "Yes, Mom please do." I would beg. My brothers were almost in high school and I would have loved a young sibling. The idea was short lived and I was very disappointed. I remember thinking maybe I will be the one to adopt someday.
A little rain for my seed.

Then when I was around 14, one of my young women leaders adopted a baby boy. She had been infertile and It was a miracle to me to see the sweet baby in her arms.
A little sunshine for my seed.

Then when I was 16, a wonderful family in our church set out to adopt a little girl from China. It took them two years and, I'm sure, a lot of stress and prayers to bring this little girl home. They had been matched with her when she was a baby and she was two when they got the little girl home. I remember being very curious about her. She was itty bitty and absolutely darling! The mom bore her testimony to us about how God had helped them. How, even though they couldn't speak Chinese, she knew the Chinese officials felt the spirit.
A lot of sunshine and happy rain for my seed.

When I was dating my husband Shane, I asked him if we could adopt someday. Could we? Even if we had children of are own? "Yes," was his answer. Yay! Such a sweetheart. Although, I think he would have promised me the world back then. Ha... Young Love... Love that man!
My seed was now a tiny little sprout buried deep under the soil but still there.

We married. We decided to have a baby. We had our beautiful boy, Questen.
I watched Oprah. I watched about the Dying Rooms in China. I watched how little African American babies were adopted for less money because they were Not white. I cried! A LOT!
My sprout grew a bit more.
 How could we ever adopt? We were only 21 and 22 and house poor with a new baby? I cried more and pushed it to the back of my mind. It was depressing. Who wants to think about all the sad things in the world?
The sprout got pushed back down.

Years went by... We had this little Angel, Violet.
And this one, Lillian (Lilli)

Our life was full!
The seed had completely been forgotten...


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Deciding to adopt part 1

What made you decide to adopt? I have been asked this question A LOT. The thing is it's not easy to answer. It happened fast and yet... It it's been happening for a long time.

So, I'm going to start at the beginning. About 30 something years ago there were two little girls, Marie and Lacy. Cousins who were more like sisters. They spent every second, their mommies would let them, together.

One Christmas, one of the girls, (I forget which) decided they wanted a black cabbage patch from Santa and the other followed suit. In our small town there wasn't a lot of different ethnicity and back then it was probably hard to find any kind of doll with dark skin. But Santa came through and let me tell you those dollies were well loved! The girls talked about how, one day, they would have a baby just like those dolls.

A seed had been planted.

( A little side note... Marie's favorite dolls were the Quintuplet dolls and so it's only fitting that now she has twins. Also, Lady bugs are a huge China adoption luck symbol. I laugh that years ago I had scrapped these photos  with lady bugs. That is actually a baby mouse that we found. I shudder to think now... ha )

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Gods Works in Mysterious Ways and Tulips

Today was A big day! Today we had our home study. For those of you who don't know, A social worker comes to your house and interviews you. He looks in closets and asks personal questions.

Shane and I have been working so hard to be ready for this day. Shane cleaned the garage and his shop. He burned weeds and more weeds. He did all of my little honey dos. I cleaned from ceiling to floor.  I have taken load after load to Deseret Industries. (Kind of like the salvation army or good will) Closets have never been this organized. I joked with my friends that Heavenly father wanted us to adopt because he knew my house needed a major overhaul. Ha ha

Through all this,  my gardening side was praying for my tulips to be in bloom. I know, that sounds so silly, doesn't it? This stranger is going to ask questions about our sex life and yet I'm worried about posies. So yesterday, there was one or two tulips in bloom and I figured I was blessed to receive those two. But oh, heavenly father knows my heart! What sweetness to see that not only were the tulips in bloom but 15 had bloomed! Plus, six or so daffodils and a few hyacinths too!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A gift

We have four bio kids. We only have one bio son "Q". He is our oldest. He is brilliantly smart. In fact, I often marvel at where this genius comes from. We tease that he must have  got the very best of my dear hubby and I . He also received both of our stubbornness. Ha

It's safe to say that Q is spoiled being the only boy. He will have to share his room which he isn't to sure about. This is just one of the many sacrifices and adjustments Q will have to go through.

I dearly want for him to know the love of brothers. I think because I was the only girl growing up, I knew I missed out on true sister hood. (Although, I have many women in my life I think of sisters) I don't want him to miss out on brotherhood. My prayer for Q and  our little Chinese son is that they will bond and fill a missing part of each others life. That they will learn together , love together and maybe get into a little mischief together. Just a little.

I have most definitely been worried about what Q is really thinking. He is no longer a tiny little boy who comes to his Momma and tells her everything.
Tonight, I had the privilege of hearing Q's sweet prayer. As I listened to him talk to his heavenly father I felt peace. Q prayed for His brother to come home soon and that they would get along. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks. This was a gift for me from my heavenly father.
Will things be perfect when our Chinese son comes home. I highly doubt it! We are not perfect people but with lots of prayer, patience, and love we will be okay.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Adoption RollerCoaster Ride

I am on it! I have to admit that Monday and Tuesday I was an absolute wreck! 

First of all, adopting women still get (kind of pregnant) hormones! Just take my word for it!  If you don't believe me, I'm sure Dear Hubby will be happy to complain...I mean tell you all about it.

Second, That little fellow who's growing in my heart had or is having his birthday. That's hard on a momma's heart. I can't help but wonder if his birthday will be acknowledged in any way. I do think his orphanage is known to have good nannies. So that is a relief.  But birthdays, I'm sure are rarely celebrated.

Third, I can't talk about him to very many people. I like to talk. I like to talk about my children. He's one of them. Some of my favorite people don't know we are adopting yet. So that's a double whammy.

But since I'm on the rollercoaster ride. The blubbering stopped abruptly  at 10:39 a.m. today.  We have PA! For those who don't know, PA stands for pre-approval. Basically, China  says we are pre-approved to adopt our little guy. This is pretty much the first step (in about 15) in this long process. I have already filled out 20 plus papers and yup we are just starting.

But PA makes me so happy! That means he is ours. Until now, someone who was further in the process could have taken him. (For lack of better words.) My heart would already break if that would have happened. 

So he is ours. Happy! Happy!  Happy birthday to our little son! We are coming slow but sure.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Son

I woke up this morning to three little ones yelling in unison, "Mommy and Daddy wake up it's Easter day!" As I lay there wrapping my tired brain around the fact that it was indeed Easter morning I listened to the birds singing. My littlest was fast asleep in between Shane and I. I snuggled her closer to me and listened to Shane snoring along with the birds. I could tell it was going to be a beautiful day!

We have always made our little ones come and get us before running to see what the Easter bunny /or Santa has brought them. Today wasn't any different. I like to be ahead of the kids so I can capture that moment of complete happiness on their darling little faces. If you don't already do this you are most definitely missing out.

The children dug into their baskets with glee. The girls trying out their new bonnets and Q was terribly happy for his Gorilla snot hair gel. Ha

Lydia Rose our littlest one was much more into everyone else's basket then her own. We all laughed as she toddled from basket to basket to explore.

I couldn't help but think of another little one all the way around the world who might night get to toddle around outside his crib, let alone look inside baskets. Who woke up this morning not knowing it was Easter.  Not knowing that his Momma and Baba were loving and missing him before we've even met him. Not knowing that the Easter bunny left him a basket in our home. Not knowing that he is a prince. That he has a heavenly father who loves Him too.

That's right. We are adopting!

 I can't tell you a whole lot right now. I will tell you it all eventually. I can tell you he is in China. Despite seeing 100's of little orphan's faces, when I saw this little face, I knew God had chosen this little fellow for us. He is beautiful, in our opinion,  and special. We will be blessed to call him son (ai tz) and brother (didi). Not the other way around.

Until he comes home...I am thankful to know heavenly father is watching over him. I'm very thankful for a father in heaven who gave his own son to save us all so long ago.