Sunday, April 27, 2014

My hands are full...

We haven't ventured out very much but almost every outing I hear, "Wow! You've got your hands full." 
Most of the time, I think this is said with love or just because it's something to say. There's  a few people that have that "your absolutely nuts" look to go with the comment. Ha! 
"Yeah, I do." I say with a smile but I'm thinking you don't know the half of it. 

Many adoptive friends have tried to prepare me for when were home.
"It's harder then bringing home a newborn." They all would say. 

Thinking back to when I had my first baby... I was scared to death! Much more scared then I was with our adoption. But There's  many things that you learn to do pretty fast. A lot of motherly instinct kicks in. By a month in, you can distinguish from a "I'm hungry" cry, "I'm wet" cry, or "I hurt" cry. You can tell from your child's face if there pooping or in pain, mad, content, or hungry.  You, at least, know what to expect, most of the time. Like he will sleep at noon but I'll be up all night. Ha... True story.
 If your nursing, your baby's a pro by now and your boobs are past the tendernous.  If your not, You most likely have the formula figured out and can make a bottle with your eyes shut.
 You can change a diaper like a wiz. Poop no longer scares or gags you because you've seen enough of it that your immune. 
That little baby relys on you and knows you'll meet every need. 

You may have even experience one of my most favorite moments as a new mom. If not, it's coming soon. 
This moment- 
We all know that baby's only think of one thing. Food. 
Your cradling your sweet angel baby in your arms. They are eating like they normally do. (For me, it was nursing) Chugging along swallowing that sweet nector.  Your studying there little face. Watching there plump little cheeks move in and out, there eyelashes fluttering gently as they swallow. 
Then suddenly, they take their eyes of the prize. They look up. They look at you! They stop drinking. They stop drinking long enough to study your face for a change. 

 Your eyes meet.  
You see your love reflected back.

It's only for a moment, but you know that they know it is you providing that white stuff they love so much! Food is love for an infant...
And that moment gets you through the next 12  months of sleep deprivation. 

So after four kids, I should be a pro. I mean I've seen it all. Ive experienced a lot. I've been pooped on, puked on, changed more diapers then I can count. Said things I never thought I would say like... "We mustn't ever ever put pee in a squirt gun!" 

With Chu I wasn't really scared. Scared to leave my kids and scared of the airplane flights. Scared, a little the day before, that I wouldn't attach to him. Not at all scared of taking care of Chu.
 I think two things were going on. One, Heavenly Father was carrying me. I had given my fear to him. Two, I thought I was prepared. 
I was. I was prepared as you can be without living it. 

But living it. It's entirely different.  Had I known how hard it is to know what to do... I would have been a little more scared. 
One month home with Chu I'm still figuring things out. With our little Chu, it's like putting together a puzzle but your missing peices. Missing peices like love, attention, touch, speech, sound, activity, reflexes that infants go through, food and nutrician. 
So we cut and paint our own puzzle piece to fill in the space. (My grandma use to do this. I learn from the best! ) Sometimes, when we think we have the peice just right we realize we have to tweak it even more for the unique space. Sometimes, we have to take out peices that we thought were okay and their not. Sometimes, we have to remove pieces that other people put there that are wrong! 

The word "Mom" is such a precious word. But in Chu's orphanage (swi) "mama" was used for every Nanny. I find myself struggling with the fact that when Chu calls for "Mama" it may not be because he wants me. How many "momma's" has he known? 
More then 10?!? 
 So, I feel a lot of pressure to teach him that here... Mama, it's special.  This Mama is forever! 

I think throwing in the swi was allowed because Chu throws food. For a child who wants food every minute, he sure throws a lot of it. He throws other things too.  Sometimes, if he's mad and, sometimes, just as a game. So that's one peice we are trying to replace. 

I've been told that in Ch;na they don't tell children "no". So when Chu is told "no" he laughs. Yup, apparently, the word "no" is hilarious. Let me tell you, with that giggle and that smile it's really hard for me to keep a straight face too. Haha...

Chu can crawl about three steps, only. we were home a week before realizing that was it. His little arms just can't hold him up for very long and his flexability pushes him off of his tops of his knees and onto the insides of his legs. It looks like a frog. So Chu has physical theropy for crawling. Crawling is so important! You can read about it

We are working on whining. Whining doesn't happen so much when all of my children are home. Chu is more comfortable in crowds. (In fact, he's down right charming in crowds!) 
I'm guessing, he learned to be charming to get attention, praise, and possibly extra food. 

So, no....He doesn't just have an out going personality. This is why just Shane and I are feeding him (no exceptions) and Making his world small. 

And he was surrounded by people all the time in the swi. So when it's just Chu, Lydia, and I, there are a lot more insecurities. Whining to be held all day long. Whining for food, even though, he just ate and ate a lot! I don't always know how to handle this so I'm asking for prayers in this area. For him, for Shane and for me. 

But please don't pray that I'll learn patience! ;) Ha! I know how patience is learned and I can't learn it right now. I've been learning it for over a year... Waiting for this sweet child! 

 Nap time is a strange puzzle was great the first two weeks. But now! Sometimes, he just will not go to sleep. Or he'll go to sleep and Lydia won't. He wants held all day but at bed time he doesn't want held, at all... Hmmm...

Most of you know, Chu drinks from a bottle.
 (This is a first for me. I've probably made 5 bottles my whole life now I make 5 a day. I am getting to be a pro at it, but some REAL honesty here, I miss nursing! It is just so convenient and I really dislike forking out $25 a week!)

Am I in a hurry to ween him off of a bottle?  Not at all! 
 In fact, I was thrilled he was still on a bottle! The bottle allows us to reprogram his brain, in a sense. 
The first time I tried to feed Chu a bottle I hadn't cut the nipple. I learned that Chu could not suck. Forty five minutes later and he hadn't drank one whole ounce! 
It was then that I found the bottle the director had sent with him. The nipple was cut so big I could stick my finger in it! 
(Most orphanages have so many babies to feed that they cut the nipple big so the babies can drink fast. They also prop bottles up and many babies do drown. )
This is such a normal and important reflex that I knew we needed to teach it. 
So I cut the nipple. Not as big as they did but fairly big. Then a week after home I got new nipples and cut them but smaller. Just last week, I bought new nipples and did not cut them. :)  

Chu can hold the bottle himself but I don't let him. This is one of those backward puzzle peices. I tuck one arm behind my back and either put a toy in his hand or give it a massage. As I feed him the bottle I tuck his face as close to my chest as possible. So he can smell what his momma smells like. I will rub his face. Whisper sweet nothings to him like "bao bei" precious.  He needs this for so so many reasons. Touch, attention, bonding...
The first week, Chu was so starved for food he wouldn't look anywhere, while drinking, but at the bottle. 
Then one day, as I was rubbing his face, watching his plump cheeks move, whispering my sweet words, and counting his dark eyelashes chu stopped drinking. 
He looked at my face. 
He looked in my eyes. 
I saw the love reflected back. 
He smiled. The sweetest smile.
 He knows... At least a little... That I'm the one providing the white nector. 

And that look will get me through the sleep deprived nights, the whining, the jealous toddlers,...
 That look is my nector.  That look is my patience

I can..

Watch as a giant daddy pickes up and nuzzles a itty bitty boy that comes running with his arms up saying "Baba... Baba." 

Watch how a big 12 year old boy teaches a baby to "vroom" a car. And drive it all over his head. 

Watch how a 9 year old melts looking at her toddler siblings and wants to mother them herself. 

Watch as my 7 year old gets so excited to show Chu and Lydia our new baby goats. So excited she can't stand in one spot. 

Watch as Lydia learns to love someone who has taken a bit of spot light. 
Listen... As her little sweet voice says " "momma, Juice (Chu's) want more... Momma, Juice is crying. Momma can I dive un to juice?"

Watch as that bao bei  boy learns to be in a family. Learns to dance, to play, to pray,  to love. 

Listen to all of their giggles. 

Life is definitely not perfect! 

I do have My hands full! 

But you don't know the half of it...

You should see my heart! 

So full...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

A bright happy new...

 Tulips! They mean spring is here. Glorious spring when all things become new again. 
My Tulips hold a little bit of magic for me. They always bloom right at the perfect moment. Last year,  they bloomed on the day of our first home study visit. 
This year, I thought they might bloom  for our first visit from our social worker, since coming home. The visit was last Wednesday, but no tulips. 
No, they had something better planned. 
They will open in the morning! 

Easter morning! 

I can count on my tulips!  I know they will bloom every spring. 

There are a lot of things I can count on. 
I have always had food,  clean water, and a roof over my head. 
I know my parents and grandparents love me unconditionally. I know that Jesus loves me. That he died on the cross for me and all of you. 

This is Chu's first Easter. His first Christian Holliday of any kind. He knows nothing about Christ. He knows nothing of unconditional love.  He has had so many care givers in his life. There's been a whole lot of people and very little attention. 
He might be expecting us to take him back in a few months. 
He might be looking at the new person that walked in the door and think they might be a better momma. 
He might smile really big just to get food and not because he's happy. 
He might be wishing to be back where things are familiar. Where he understands the language. Where everyone has dark hair. Where there's a very strict routine and he knows what's coming next...

Except the food... A full belly might just...mean love. 

Which is why we are kindly asking that you don't feed Chu. That only His momma and babba feed him. That no one holds him but us. This is called cacooning. We are making Chu's world small but full of us and love. 

Give us time to teach him that all the new  things going on around him are a good new. 
A bright happy new like tulips. 

A new that Heavenly Father wanted for a precious, special little boy. 

And how perfect that Chu's first Holliday is Easter. 
Happy Easter! 
The tomb is empty. 
He is risen!

Update: Easter morning. 
Open to recieve the light...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

3 weeks!

Chu has been home 3 weeks! 

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Here's the 411 on the 3,2,1. 

Chu turned 3! In a home. With a family. He is wanted. He is loved! 
I've been praying for this sense his 2nd birthday. We received pre-approval to adopt him a year ago on his birthday.  

Do you know what is the best part? Our family is so so blessed to have him home! 

At 3 years old he is tiny. He wears 6-9 months clothes and size 1 diapers. 
The first thing everyone says is he's tinier then his pictures and he is. 

This bed is a tiny bit bigger then a twin and Chu makes it look like a queen. 

We've had Chu for two weeks. 

He has said about 10 words. 

His newest words are bye, night night, and Mao. Which is mandarin for cat.

Speaking of cats he's still scared of them and any other animal. He points and says "Dat" at any animal. But he has a look on his face that's says, "Dat better stay away from me." (I have no clue if Dat is that or a mandarin word or jibberish but Dat is cute) :)

He's walking all over. He found me clear in my bathroom. No running yet. 
He is very front heavy and falls forward quite often. His poor little arms are like a newborns. He can not catch himself and face plants. Poor baby. 

He pushes things around. He pushed the rocking horse out of his room and climbed on it. He also climbed our stairs without help and he climbed a foot stool. 
Going down stairs hasn't been tried yet. 

He has gotten into mischief opening drawers. :) 
We see him do something new everyday and it's exciting! 

He had his #1 doctors appointment. We will probably be going monthly to check his growth. 
We have learned that he probably has never eaten anything but watered down rice. (Not even formula) 

He has two perfectly round scars on his shoulder that I had hoped were Chickenpock scars but the Dr says they're burns. :( 

But he has gained weight!!! I don't think Chu has ever been above 14 pounds and he is now 15 pound 12 oz!!! 

We have also been home 1 week! 

Lydia and Chu are getting use to each other. We've had sweet moments like this one where Chu is letting Lydia give him a chin chin (kiss) and we've had not so sweet moments. 
Chu is jealous when I hold Lydia and that was a surprise! 
Lydia just doesn't like him touching her toys. 

Chu is doing remarkably well and he is a happy. We are very blessed! 

I don't want to undermine what little Chu is going through. 
He is Grieving, meaning crying for two hours with no consoling him.  This is very normal. It's very sad and it's also good. 
Please pray for his sweet little heart. 

And that we will be equipped to handle all this. We are very very tired and not getting much sleep. (One hour a night for the first 3 days) 

I'm also wishing that Vertigo would get off it's Vert and Go! ;) I'm very sick of being dizzy! 

Enough complaining! Our boy is home! And he's safe! 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

3/27 goodbye China.

China has definitely been an adventure from car rides, food, to squatty potties! 

Speaking of squatty potties. I only had to go in one once. I did need to use it but I took one look at the doorless stalls and decided to hold it. Lol
Chu, however, had a very runny icky diaper. So I had to change it while standing. It was so fun. Not! Lol 
 China is not convenient for mothers because their children wear split pants. 
The children were so bundled they looked like the little boy from "A Christmas Story" but their little bums hang out.  The children squat where ever they are at and go. 
We were in a sword shop and a little boy came in with both his bum and front hanging out. And... He kept playing with it! 🙈🙀😳 
I kept watching the mom to see if she would stop him but nope. 

Food was always interesting. Most of the time we got lucky and found restaurants that had pictures in their menu. We would point and hope that what we really were getting was what we guessed that it was. Hopefully pork or chicken and not dog, snake, or donkey... Donkey is a delacacy, by the way, and our Beijing guide's favorite. 
Our guide ordered for us at the Shaolin temple and the dish that came was flowers from a tree and eggs. You could see the petals and leaves. It was really quite good 
But in Xuchang, he ordered "Chinese pancakes" they were tortilla shells which was fine, but they would add the toppings for you and one of the toppings was fried shrimp. Now, I like fried shimp but not so much with the head, legs, and feelers still attached! Yes, I had a couple of bites. I didn't want to affend anyone. No, I did not like it. They crunched...

At the famous noodle restaurant, that all the adoptive families go to, it was a point and order situation. So we did. Then we ordered three cokes. We got one Pepsi. Haha... We were relieved. It could have been worse. 
Shane and Questen ordered mango smoothies and got corn smoothies. The corn smoothies were not good. 

On 3/27
We were up at 4:00 am to get to the airport. Our flight was suppose to leave at 7:25. 
We said goodbye to Elsie who proceeded to tell me that she thought I was sweet and liked me. But that her first thought of me was that I was an Empress. Because I walked out ahead of of Shane and Questen. And all I was carrying was Chu and two bags while they had the luggage. I admit, it hurt my feelings that she automatically assumed I was a spoiled intitled American. I suppose I am, though. 
We boarded and started for the runway when suddenly the plane stopped. 
We sat there for TWO HOURS! I kid you not!
Then flew two hours to Shanghai where we had to run and go through customs to barely make it to our next flight. We boarded and started for the runway. Then again, the plane stopped! 
We sat there for almost an hour! 

And why? Why so many delays? We don't know because it was all in Mandarin. 

We then flew 11 hours to San Francisco. Chu was such a good baby. He either slept, or ate. He hardy made a peep. It was such a huge blessing. Especially sense I was sick. Very sick. Let me just say, I was sick enough I fainted. 
So I was so so happy to be on American soil.
Even better... Chu touching American soil made him an American citizen! Yay! 
We were late getting to San Fran too so we rushed to customs. We made it through very easily. 
I have to tell you this part, though. There was a Chinese man and an elderly women who were having problems with her (the elderly women's) passport. 
There was a security officer standing back in a corner. (A grown man) He had one of those lazer lights in his hand. He flashed it across the room into the Chinese mans eyes. The poor Chinese man had just gotten off of the same 11 hour grueling flight that I had been on. Where was the security officers compassion? Was it prejudice that led this act? I stared at the officers face until he looked at me a realized he'd been seen. 
I wish I could have seen the look I gave him. Wild frizzy curly hair sticking out all over. Blood shot tired eyes. Sick green complexion. I'm sure I would have scared the devil himself! 
A couple hours later when we landed in SaltLake my poor friends got to see that same look only with tears and a smile. 
It was so sweet of my friends Heather (with her Chinese baby) and Teri to meet us at the airport.  There were many happy tears. Plus, It's just so good to know we wouldn't have to get on another stinking plane! 
Chu cried almost the whole 3 hour drive to our house. Poor little guy. 

After 26-27 hours of travel we finally waled into our home to our precious girls and my mom. 

The girls were so excited they couldn't contain themselves. And I did the ugly cry. 
I miss China already. I will miss the flowers they decorate everything with. I will miss all the pink that's in style. 
I miss it's wild beauty, it's real ness, and it's mystery. I will miss the smiles and some if the stares. I will miss all of the old artifacts. 
China is one of the oldest countries in our world.  I can't help but wonder about all the people that have lived there. About all the people that have struggled across the ages. 
About how strong they must be to have lived in this raw rugged beauty. 
About the ones living now and the little ones being born that will have to be survivors right from the womb. 
will miss their strength. 

So glad I have a little one to remind me everyday of that strength. My own little survivor. 

3/26 Guangzhou Zoo

Today was our last day in China. 
It's safe to say we are sad and yet ready. 
We went to the Guangzghou zoo. 

It was very clean and nice. It did have a lot of steps so don't bring kids that have a hard time walking. We had a small stroller and it was okay. 
Honestly, this picture is my favorite from the zoo. ^ I loved seeing them in their traditional clothing. 

The Pandas were a big bummer. We could only see one inside a glass building. It wasn't even clear enough to see the black and white. Darn! 

We came back to our hotel and packed. We have to be up at 4:00 in the morning to head home. I'm excited to get home but man oh man I dread that plane! 
To bad I can't click my heals like Dorothy and send us all home. 

Somewhere over a rainbow my girls are waiting! Were coming home girls and were bringing you a panda! 


Today was our Consulate appointment. Its a big deal because it's the last step!! It's were you apply for your child's American visa.  
It was pretty simple and short. We basically just had to promise that everything written was the truth and that we would take care of Chu. 

We then had a free afternoon, so we ate lunch and went back over to the Shamian island. It's has quite a few American colonial buildings and it has a lot of trees. 
We stopped in a little store called Amy's. I had boughten a silk blanket for Chu the day before and decided I wanted one for Lydia too. 
She wanted about $20.00 and I said $10.00. 
She asked me if I was Christian and I said yes. She said, "Then for you, I do $10.00 sister."
So then I felt guilty. Haha...
I asked her about pink pearls and she sat there and strung  me a whole necklace. 

Shane and I decided we just are not good at bargaining with people. Not good at all. There just comes a point when your thinking about all that we have at home like a beautiful home, running drinkable water, land, and plenty of food. Americans are rich! The majority of us are spoiled so what's a few bucks? 

We bought more souvenirs and ate at a place called Jenny's. I had a grilled cheese sandwich and it was to die for. Not kidding. Delish! Of course, I my have been desperate. Lol

The taxi to and from the Shamian island was wild.  I know my life passed before my eyes several times. We buckled Questen in the on and only seatbelt and wrapped our arms around each other. 

We're also starting to pack.