Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hope Blossoms

We are so super excited to announce our new daughter. 

              Iris MeiXiao Hua Atwood
We will call her Iris Mei. It will be a double barrel name like Mary Jane or Mary Kate. 
As I'm sure you ALL know naming this sweet girl has been a big deal. 

We wanted her name to be perfect and there were so many things to debate. 

To put an English flower name or to not. To keep her original Chinese name or to not. 

I have prayed and cried over her name. I hope she will know it's because I love her dearly and wanted her name to make her life easy and beautiful.  

Parts of her name she's had from the start. Her Chinese name is Xiao Xiao. 
Pronounced show show. (Rhymes with cow) It means teeny tiny. I'm sure she was named this because she was a 2 pound premie.  This part of her name was special to our family because months before we found Iris Mei our Lydia kept telling us that her "teeny tiny" friend was in China and we needed to go get her. 

Mei (may) was a name I loved right from the start because it crossed both English and Chinese worlds. But mostly,  my great aunt Mae was very loved in our family. Mae in English means Pearl. Do you remember the story of when we were trying to decide weather to adopt her? My friend said, "she is your Pearl in your crown." 

Mei Xiao or Xiao Mei in certain characters means little plum blossom.  Plum blossoms are a big deal in China. They are often painted. I think they are often mistaken for cherry blossoms but cherry blossoms are a Japanese symbol. The Chinese love plum blossoms because they bloom when there's still snow on the trees. They survive through hardships. They are a symbol of hope.  
Mei Xiao Hua (Hua is pronounced wu-ah) means "beautiful little blossom" 

Hope blossoms. 

We almost left it just that Mei Xiao Hua but it just seems like it was missing something. 

For months we've debated English names both flower and not. In fact, Iris had been chosen then x-nayed off the list. 

Last night and really early this morning at 4 when we were all awake we went through every name we could think of. 
It was easy to see that certain names just we'rent HER! They didn't seem "bright" enough! I kept coming back to Iris and how colorful and beautiful. 

That's how this girl is! Bright, colorful, and beautiful. Cheesy cheesy cheesy..I know... But it just fit the spirit we can see in her eyes. 
Ironically, just about the time we named her one of my friends said, "what about Brighton"  My friend could see it too, baby girl. Your bright spirit. Plus, I love growing Iris and they remind me of my grandmas. 
Edited to add:  A few days after coming home I looked up what Iris symbolize and  Guess what? They are also a symbol of hope! Along with faith and wisdom. 
So there you have it. 
You were named baby girl at 4 in the morning by your new mama and baba who love you dearly. 
We were asked today by the Chinese  government if we "accepted" you and if we were "satisfied" by you. 

Are you kidding me? Yes! We accept her! We will never abandon her! 
She is lovely, our Iris Mei. 

1 comment:

  1. <3 What a special little spirit you have been given. <3 So happy for you family.


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